Wi-Fi connections are available in abundance almost everywhere but many do not come free of charge, neither are they open to everyone. Some are even password locked and only the owner or those with the necessary authority have access to it. Let’s say you want to connect to a Wi-Fi network that does not belong to you, you have to break the password of the network first. But how do you go about that?

In this blog post, If you have ever wished to attack a Wi-Fi network, Kali Linux is what you need, as I will show you how to crack Wi-Fi passwords with cellular hacking Kali Linux tools. Kali Linux is a known operating system used by ethical hackers and penetration testing professionals. It has a myriad of weapons which can be strategically used to make different types of attacks on wireless networks including sniffing, spoofing, cracking among others.

Kali Linux has a series of packages and tools for most of these activities but the most common one, which appears to many people when they search for WPA cracking tools is “aircrack-ng”. Aircrack-ng is a weapon decryption program designed particularly to crack WEP and WPA-PSK Wifi passwords. In this tutorial, we will target the approximate plans of wireless network security namely the WPA-PSK (wi-fi protected access pre shared key) passwords and crack them using kali Linux.


To use aircrack-ng, you need to have the following:

1. A computer with Kali Linux installed or booted from a live USB or CD.

2. A wireless network adapter that supports monitor mode and packet injection. Monitor mode allows you to capture all the wireless traffic in the air, and packet injection allows you to send your own packets to manipulate the traffic. Some examples of such adapters are Alfa AWUS036NHA, TP-Link TL-WN722N, or Panda PAU09.

3. A wordlist file that contains a list of possible passwords to try. You can use your own wordlist or download one from the internet. Some examples of wordlist files are rockyou.txt, darkc0de.lst, or crackstation.txt.


To crack a Wi-Fi password with aircrack-ng, you need to follow these steps:

1. Put your wireless adapter in monitor mode. This will allow you to capture the wireless traffic on a specific channel. To do this, you can use the following command:

`airmon-ng start wlan0`

Replace wlan0 with the name of your wireless adapter. You can check the name of your adapter by using the command `iwconfig`.

2. Scan for the available Wi-Fi networks around you and identify your target network. You need to know the name (SSID), channel, and MAC address (BSSID) of your target network. To do this, you can use the following command:

`airodump-ng wlan0mon`

Replace wlan0mon with the name of your monitor mode interface. You can check the name of your interface by using the command `iwconfig`.

You will see a list of networks with their SSIDs, BSSIDs, channels, encryption types (WEP or WPA), and signal strengths (PWR). Note down the SSID, channel, and BSSID of your target network.

3. Capture the handshake packets of your target network. The handshake packets are exchanged between the client and the access point when they connect to each other. They contain the encrypted password that we need to crack. To do this, you can use the following command:

`airodump-ng -c 6 –bssid 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w capture wlan0mon`

Replace 6 with the channel number of your target network, 00:11:22:33:44:55 with the BSSID of your target network, capture with the name of the file where you want to save the captured packets, and wlan0mon with the name of your monitor mode interface.

You will see a list of clients connected to your target network with their MAC addresses (STATION) and signal strengths (PWR). Note down the MAC address of any client that you want to target.

4. Deauthenticate the client from your target network. This will force them to reconnect and generate a new handshake packet that we can capture. To do this, you can use the following command:

`aireplay-ng -0 10 -a 00:11:22:33:44:55 -c 66:77:88:99:AA:BB wlan0mon`

Replace 10 with the number of deauthentication packets that you want to send, 00:11:22:33:44:55 with the BSSID of your target network, 66:77:88:99:AA:BB with the MAC address of your target client, and wlan0mon with the name of your monitor mode interface.

You will see a message saying “WPA handshake” on the top right corner of your airodump-ng window when you successfully capture a handshake packet.

5. Crack the password using a wordlist file. This will try every password in your wordlist file against the captured handshake packet until it finds a match or exhausts all possibilities. To do this, you can use the following command:

`aircrack-ng -w wordlist.txt capture-01.cap`

Replace wordlist.txt with the name of your wordlist file and capture-01.cap with the name of your captured packet file.

You will see a message saying “KEY FOUND” and the password in plain text when you successfully crack the password.

You have learned how to crack Wi-Fi passwords with Kali Linux tools. However, you should be aware that this method is not ethical or legal, and you should only use it for educational purposes only. You should also obtain permission from the owner of the Wi-Fi network before performing any attacks on it. You should also be careful about your own security and anonymity when using these tools and techniques.

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