Table of Contents

Pen testing, penetration testing, is a critical component of cybersecurity to make sure that systems and systems that would otherwise be exposed are not exposed. It means simulating cyber attacks to find holes in systems, networks and app just before malicious actors can exploit them. From the topic of pen testing to the tools to penetrate, this free guide comprehensively covers the ins and outs of penetration testing and how to get it right.

What is Penetration Testing?

Cybersecurity has a proactive route: penetration testing, where ethical hackers duplicate the techniques, and ways, of cybercriminals. The main purpose is to find out security vulnerabilities, check the efficiency of security measures, and propose actionable moves to improve it.

Why is Penetraiting Important?

  • Prevent Data Breaches: Audits holes before malicious hackers take advantage of them.
  • Compliance: This usually means that you have a lot of regulations that you need to test your penetration (GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA for example).
  • Reputation Protection: A breach can cause the organization’s reputation and customer trust to go dark.
  • Cost Savings: Early addressing of vulnerabilities helps save the cost of remediation after a breach.

Types of Penetration Testing>>

Network Penetration Testing

They are focused on discovering vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure as firewall, routers and server vulnerable to this type of attack. Example: Checking for open ports or incorrect network protocols.

Web Application Penetration Testing

It examines web applications for SQL injection, cross site scripting (XSS) and other authentication flaws. Example: Determining when login mechanism is weak.

Wireless Penetration Testing

It analyzes Wi-Fi networks to determine what weaknesses exist: does there exist rogue access points or inadequate encryption?

Social Engineering Pen Test.                                                                                           Thats why it tests the human element actually through phishing attacks or through impersonation just to see how prone they are.

Physical Penetration Testing

Assesses the physical security of facilities against risk such as unauthorised access to buildings.

Mobile Application Pen Testing

It focuses on vulnerabilities in iOS and Android applications, for instance insecure data storage or weak API integrations.

Penetration Testing Techniques.>>

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a way of testing that seeks to determine how a system works without having any information as to how it has been designed. Testers only consider the input and the expected result without any concern with how the system performs the operation. This testing method resembles the real-life attacks as testers don’t know anything about the application, which imitates threats from outside.

For this purpose, the system has to be tested without a prior knowledge of the system and this is the real world attack scenario.

White Box Testing

White box testing gives the tester full freedom by exposing him to the innermost details of the system, and including the source code, system design, and architecture. This awareness gives testers a leeway in providing a rich coverage to the code, facilitating their analysis and come up with an understanding of the code base and come up with possible weaknesses, errors in logic and security. It’s like spamming that eliminates unnecessary lines in the code, which shows mistakes as a result of erasing them.

It gives the tester complete knowledge of the infrastructure so it allows for in-depth analysis.

Gray Box Testing

Black and white box test, when the testers have some knowledge about system.This type of testing is a blend between the two previous methods and is therefore named the gray box testing. As opposed to black box testing, specialist testers have partial knowledge of the internal and external structures of a system, and can therefore more effectively design test cases with less scope than that of white box testing. The method is most useful for pointing out security problems because while testing, testers behave as users and thus brought together internal and external views.

The Scope of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing (pen testing) refer to the realistic proactive attack on systems in an attempt to meet or discover a vulnerability. The level of penetration testing defines goals and objectives of the test to avoid overspending time and efforts. Here’s an overview of the scope:

1. Assets to be Tested

Networks: Devices such as firewalls, routers, switches, access points and those that connect the organization’s internal network with the outside world.

  • Applications: Website, mobile application, APIs, desktop, and SaaS applications.
  • Systems: Most prominently, computers, mobile devices, routers, switches, networks, mainframes, operating systems, web servers, database servers, email servers, virtual machines, and IoT gadgets.
  • Physical Security: Security measures of premises;’nde and automatic gates;’s, security cameras and other barriers.
  • Human Elements: Situational tests in the form of phishing, baiting or impersonation attacking the employees of an organization.

2. Testing Types

  • Black-Box Testing: A system is tested by giving it to real testers who had no prior orientation or exposure to it.
  • White-Box Testing: This is because testers have full access and full knowledge of the system architectural design.
  • Gray-Box Testing: It means that testers have only partial view of the program, which can be compared to insiders’ view of a company.

3. Timeframe and Resources

  • Duration: Duration within which the test should be conducted, (s, w).
  • Tools: Tools used to check, either approved for educational purposes (such as Metasploit, Burp Suite).
  • Resources: Tester and the organization’s personnel that are willing to cooperate during the test.

4. Testing Goals

  • Security audit to discover weaknesses in system, application and processes.
  • Evaluate the angels and demons of security.
  • Assess the possibilities of positive results from successful exploitation.
  • They should also give suggestions on how best to minimize the situation and enhance it.

5. In-Scope vs. Out-of-Scope

  • In-Scope: A set of clear objectives that contain defined and approved actions and goals (for instance, the workflows related to the testing of web application on the concrete domain are allowed).
  • Out-of-Scope: Limited zones including production databases, personal employee data, and unrelated networks.

Penetration Testing Popular Tools>>


Use: Vulnerability assessment ; network scanning.

Features: It identifies open ports, services and hosts on a network.

Metasploit Framework

Use: Exploitation testing and testing for vulnerability.

Features: It provides ready made exploits and payloads.

Burp Suite

Use: Web application testing.

Features: XSS, SQL injection and authentication issues are found.


Use: Network protocol analysis.

Features: The extracts and analyzes packet-level data.

OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)

Use: Testing web application security.

Features: It makes the process of vulnerability detection automatic.


Use: Officer I made wireless network security testing.

Features: Measures the value of Wi-Fi encryption strength.

John the Ripper

Use: Password cracking.

Features: Brute force and dictionary attacks on password strength using tests.

Penetration Testing Methods>>

This reference document would be OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual).

A framework that considered real life testing conditions. They stress the quantifiable outcome in order to offer a factually based view on the efficacy of the security systems. The main areas of OSSTMM are for instance human, physical and wireless security testing. It enhances general analysis and format reporting to achieve comparable and effective outcomes. It is used frequently for evaluation of numerous security risks & concerns in various settings.

NIST SP 800-115

One of the NIST guidelines that help in comprehensive security assessments that were highlighted above. It offers a more refine manner of performing penetration tests by having a framework for planning, execution, and reporting of penetration tests. The assessment encompasses methods used in testing networks, applications and physical security . It empowers clients with assurance on organizational objectives and compliance legislations. NIST SP 800-115 is presented for application in both governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

OWASP Testing Guide

A testing methodology created for exercising web applications against standard forms of attack. It is delivered by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and outlines the most significant security threats to web based application environments. It highlights step by step approach and methods for such vulnerabilities as injection flaws and cross site scripting. They described me in helping developers and testers enhance web application security. The majority of companies and projects in the software development industry use OWASP.

CREST (Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers)

A popular and well-established approach and an accompanying certification framework that guarantees industry best practice in penetration testing. Technical specifications, ethical standards, and reporting procedures guidelines are issued by CREST. It is supported by a group of enthusiasts to protect the standard and civilization of security testing. Testers with CREST certification are relied on for their proficiency specifically in regard to relevant standards. The information is highly trusted in various industries among which are finance and government.

The ISSAF (Information Systems Security Assessment Framework)

An organized framework for interpreting IT systems and enhancing its security condition. ISSAF encompasses technical /managerial processes for risk assessment and management. It also gives specific information about how to assess networks, applications and processes. Consistent with the priorities and avidity of resources set by the framework, the resources should be utilised effectively. It is especially valuable for organizations involved in security policy and need an array of solution to consider in their complex security plan.

Red Teaming

It is also known as ‘little red teaming’ and involves testers posing as actual threats in order to test the organisation’s detection and counter responses. It comprises highly sophisticated strategies such as exploiting people’s social relationships, breaking the physical security of an organization, and working surreptitiously. Red Teaming is centred at identifying weakness in the organizational security procedures. Especially when it comes to preparedness against promising emerging threats, it is considered extremely effective. As a result of this strategy the interaction between security personnel increases significantly.

MITRE ATT&CK Framework

A risk-centered strategy where attacker methods and strategies can be matched to deem the security readiness. It is used to present some order to the act of mimicking assaults and pointing out flaws in the discovery and prevention processes. MITRE ATT&CK is most commonly applied alongside penetration testing to assess whether or not defensive controls are being effective. It backs up a transformative path toward utilizing data for enhancing threat intelligence and incident management. This methodology is commonly applied in tuning he security practise to reflection of real life attack.

 PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard)

An encompassing standard to plan, execute, document and report the Onhe Penetration test. The components of PTES are the pre-engagement phase, reconnaissance phase, threat modeling phase, exploitation phase and reporting phase. It provides for rigor in testing process as well as their compliance with the client’s goals and standards. The standard is generic enough so that it may be applied on a variety of scopes ranging from the network layer all the way up to the application layer. It also covers aspect of communication where the testers and other stakeholders should provide.

Penetration Testing Advanced Techniques

Exploit Chaining

The act of chaining together two or more vulnerabilities or weaknesses to gain a greater degree or coverage in a system. It typically involves using a relatively harmless weakness to make a foothold and then link that weakness to another weakness to gain elevated privileges or a wider remit.

Example:Taking advantage of a web server flaw so as to run code remotely then using a well-known username and password to infiltrate an internal database and access/steal confidential information.

Pretending to be a user and getting into his or her device, followed by leveraging a wrongly set VPN to penetrate into the firm’s system.

Privilege Escalation

A technique that aims at raising the privileges attached to an attacker in a system. This can be done through; taking advantage of vulnerabilities in software, missed configurations, or even using other people’s passwords to gain access to a higher level of authorization.

Example:Getting a root access of a Linux server with the help of a kernel exploit.

Eminating a windows service that reconnaissance was done on with an incorrect configuration of the service and the privileges from a normal user to an administrator.

Lateral Movement

A known tactic employed by the attackers to move around inside a deployed network after being granted initial entry. This means that the goal is to make it to the identified high value systems or data with minimal or no detections. Others are credential theft, remote execution and exploiting the trust between systems.

Example:Logging into one system with pirated identity belonging to another system then using this to access common resources.

Using file sharing services to move from one department to another in a cooperating network by taking advantage of a weak point in the service.


The development of processes which enable the attacker to regain access to a system even after it has been rebooted or the attacker’s activities have triggered counteractions. This may performed through adding backdoors, modifying start-up applications or taking advantages of the flaws in the setups.

Example:Adding a malicious service or a scheduled task on the Windows server.

The use of creating and placing SSH keys in the authorized_keys directory in a Linux environment for for ever authorization.

Penetration Testing with Emerging Tools>>

1.Cobalt Strike

    Features: It tests advanced defenses by simulating APT style attacks.


     Use: Scanning & Vulnerability assessment.

     Features: Detecting vulnerabilities on both the Software and Hardware IT infrastructure.


   Use: Vulnerability testing of web applications.

   Features: SQL injection scans, XSS scans and misconfigured web server scans.

4.Kali Linux

   Use: Comprehensive pen testing OS.

   Features: Hunters contains hundreds of preinstalled tools such as Hydra, Wireshark, Metasploit, etc.

Penetration testing is an integral and indispensable part of 21st century cybersecurity strategy. Identified vulnerabilities are a golden opportunity for organizations to proactively respond against cybercriminals and protect critical information. Right techniques, tools, and practices can be found that will help systems stay robust and secure.

Pen testing is an ever changing field adjusting to each new threat landscape. As techniques and tools advance, the organizations don’t get outlasted by attackers; and their defenses remain powerful. Pen testing isn’t limited to the most experienced of cybersecurity pro’s, but also can work wonders for you as a business looking to secure their assets.

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